15.5 Terabits A Second? Yes! With Fiber Optics

In this on the go world you cannot have data connectivity that lags. Dark fiber optic companies are changing things for businesses throughout Latin America. This is exactly what your business has been waiting for.

Leasing or buying bandwidth has been the traditional way to do business with internet companies but the problem has been that bandwidth is limiting. You want data connectivity and capacity that keeps your data moving, and that moves it quickly. Dark fiber is the solution.


Understanding the Power of Fiber Optics

There are two things that make for excellent connectivity. Speed and capacity. How fast can your internet move data and how much data can it move? Those are the two questions that you need answers to.

Fiber optic moves 15.5 terabits of data every second. Fiber optic cable moves data at the speed of light and it can move more data at one time than you will likely ever need to move. If what you are looking for transmiting big loads of bandwidth, Dark Fiber Optic may be your best solution.

With other internet connectivity, the further you are away from the relay source the weaker the signal gets. Distorted signals slow down the connection. You experience lags in data transfer. With fiber-optic network setups, no matter how far away you are from the relay, your signal is never distorted, and you never experience lags.


Dark Fiber Optic -What Is It?

When fiber optic cables are not in use, they are called dark fiber optic cables. Small beams of light travel through fiber optics when they are in use. When they are not in use there are no beams of light, hence the term dark fiber. The cables are dark because they are not in use and no light is being generated.

Dark fiber companies utilize the fiber optic cables that have yet to be used. Kilometers of these fiber optic cables that are “dark” (not in use) exist and are ready to create a private network for your business.

Instead of renting allotted bandwidth from an ISP, you can rent fiber optic cable and create your own network that you are in complete control of. This gives you the freedom of scalability, privacy, and incredible capabilities.

It is the solution you have been looking for. It will change how you do business.

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