3 Fiber Optic Myths You Shouldn’t Believe

Due to our technological dependency, our need for reliable connectivity is more important than ever. But with so many internet options to choose from, it can be difficult to know which one will actually serve your needs. And if you don’t understand the technology behind the connection, it’s easy to have certain misconceptions.

That’s certainly true when it comes to fiber-optic internet. Although fiber optic services have been around for many years, there are still some pretty pervasive myths that pertain to this type of network. Let’s debunk just a few of those myths in today’s post.

MYTH ONE: Fiber Optic Cables Aren’t Durable

Because fiber optic cables are made up of glass strands, some people assume that they’ll easily break. But this glass is coated in a way that actually makes them more durable than other types of wiring. In fact, they can withstand extreme tension and weather conditions. They can safely be submerged in water and can stand up to temperature fluctuations more readily than other options. What’s more, they come with a reduced fire risk (as there’s no electricity involved in their operation) and can bend without becoming damaged. If durability is a top priority for you, the cables used to create fiber optic internet networks should be your first choice.

MYTH TWO: Fiber Optic Networks Are Less Dependable

Some people wrongly believe that the connectivity and performance offered by fiber optics somehow pale in comparison to other alternatives. But that simply isn’t true. A single optical fiber can carry over 3 million full-duplex voice calls or 90,000 television channels. Fiber optic internet is less likely to become unavailable during a power outage and won’t be subject to interference from power lines or other electrical equipment. This type of network is considered to provide better security, as well, as it’s not easy to hack. Perhaps most importantly, fiber internet is generally faster than basic cable, even when usage is at an all-time high. That means you’ll benefit from increased performance on a consistent basis when you use a fiber-optic network.

MYTH THREE: Fiber Optic Internet Is Too Expensive

It’s often true that you get what you pay for, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that the services provided by the leading fiber optic operators are out of reach for your business. Although more basic internet options may be less expensive to obtain, you may end up sacrificing a lot regarding speed and reliability. In addition, the cost difference between fiber optic and other internet connectivity options has become virtually negligible in many cases. And even if fiber optics do require a slightly higher investment, customers generally agree that the difference is well worth the high quality of service they receive.

Now that you know the truth behind some of the most popular fiber optic myths, it’s time to consider whether fiber internet is right for you. For more information, please contact us today.

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