UFINET wins MEF Award “Service Provider of the Year 2019 – CALA”

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UFINET is proud to announce that MEF has once again recognized our company’s excelence with the “Service Provider of the Year 2019 – CALA” Award, which validates performance excellence worldwide


UFINET is delighted to communicate this amazing new achievement. MEF recognizes every year excellence and innovation in the global community committed to providing communications solutions optimized for the digital economy. MEF’s awards program is the largest in the world focused on emerging dynamic network services powered by LSO, SDN, NFV, SD-WAN, and Carrier Ethernet technologies.

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MEF is pleased to congratulate the Awards Winners for all of their amazing work in driving the industry’s transformation to dynamic and assured services across a global federation of automated networks, as envisioned with MEF 3.0,” said Kevin Vachon, COO, MEF. “MEF received dozens of submissions from leading-edge companies, and we are delighted to spotlight standout leaders in service, application, technology, and professional categories.”

The awards gala was celebrated last night at the MEF19 networking event, held 18-22 November 2019 at the JW Marriott LA LIVE in Los Angeles, California.

For more information about the event please click MEF19 

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MEF’s official press release

MEF Names MEF 2019 Award Winners

Prestigious awards recognize service, application, technology, and professional excellence

MEF19 – Los Angeles, 20 November 2019MEF is pleased to announce the Winners for the 2019 MEF Awards, which recognize excellence and innovation in the global community committed to providing communications solutions optimized for the digital economy. MEF’s awards program is the largest in the world focused on emerging dynamic network services powered by SD-WAN, Carrier Ethernet, LSO, SDN, and NFV technologies.

2019 Award Winners were unveiled this week at the MEF19 networking event held at the JW Marriott LA LIVE in Los Angeles, California, with the exception of MEF 3.0 PoC Award Winners who will be recognized in a special ceremony this evening at MEF19.

“MEF is pleased to congratulate this year’s award winners for their outstanding work in driving industry transformation,” said Nan Chen, President, MEF. “We appreciate the dedication of the teams at so many companies who are committed to developing and delivering service and technology solutions with compelling and lasting value for customers. The companies recognized in the MEF Awards program are true industry leaders.”

Service Provider and Enterprise Application Award Winners

Network & Service Innovation

  •  Global – AT&T
  •  APAC – PLDT
  •  Europe – Colt Technology Services
  •  North America – AT&T

Retail Service Provider of the Year

  •  Global – CenturyLink and Verizon (tie)
  •  APAC – PLDT
  •  Europe – Colt Technology Services
  •  North America – CenturyLink

Wholesale Service Provider of the Year

  •  Global – CenturyLink & PCCW Global (tie)
  •  APAC – PLDT
  •  Europe – Colt Technology Services
  •  North America – AT&T

SD-WAN Service Provider of the Year

  •  Global – CenturyLink
  •  APAC – Tata Communications
  •  Europe – Orange Business Services
  •  North America – CenturyLink & Windstream Enterprise (tie)

Africa Service Provider of the Year – Liquid Telecom

CALA Service Provider of the Year – Ufinet

Middle East Provider of the Year – Saudi Telecom Company

Special Awards

  •  LSO Leadership – AT&T and Colt Technology Services
  •  Best Marketing – Verizon

Enterprise Application of the Year

  •  Advertising – Colt Technology Services
  •  Education – CenturyLink
  •  Financial – Comcast Business
  •  Government – AT&T
  •  Manufacturing – Spectrum Enterprise
  •  Media – Tata Communications
  •  Retail – QOS Networks
  •  Sports & Entertainment – Comcast Business
  •  Transportation – CenturyLink

Technology Solutions Award Winners

  •  Technology Provider of the Year – NEC/Netcracker
  •  Carrier Ethernet & IP – Nokia
  •  LSO Leadership – NEC/Netcracker
  •  NFV – Ekinops
  •  NFV Infrastructure – Equinix
  •  Optical – Ciena
  •  SD-WAN – VMware
  •  Service Analytics – Infovista
  •  Service Assurance – Infovista
  •  Service Automation – Amdocs & NEC/Netcracker (tie)
  •  Multi-Vendor Solution – NEC/Netcracker & Versa Networks

Professional Award Winners

  •  Industry Executive of the Year – Jeff Storey, President & CEO, CenturyLink
  •  MEF Distinguished Fellow – David Ball, Principal Engineer, Cisco
  •  Accredited Training Partner of the Year – Carrier Ethernet Academy

Judges for the above 2019 MEF Awards covering services, applications, and technologies include senior analysts from ATLANTIC-ACM, AvidThink, Dell’Oro, Frost & Sullivan, Ovum, and Vertical Systems, along with independent judges.

About MEF
An industry association of 200+ member companies, MEF has introduced the MEF 3.0 transformational global services framework for defining, delivering, and certifying assured services orchestrated across a global ecosystem of automated networks. MEF 3.0 services are designed to provide an on-demand, cloud-centric experience with user- and application-directed control over network resources and service capabilities. MEF 3.0 services are delivered over automated, virtualized, and interconnected networks powered by LSO, SDN, and NFV. MEF produces service specifications, LSO frameworks, open LSO APIs, software-driven reference implementations, and certification programs. MEF 3.0 work will enable automated delivery of standardized Carrier Ethernet, Optical Transport, IP, SD-WAN, Security-as-a-Service, and other Layer 4-7 services across multiple provider networks. For more information: https://www.MEF.net and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter @MEF_Forum.

Additional resources:

Media Contact:
Ashley Schulte
Witz Communications for MEF


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