Connectivity With Fiber Optic Internet

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The optimal in fiber optic connectivity is fiber-optic internet connectivity. One optical fiber can carry over 90,000 television channel broadcasts and about 3 million voice calls. Data can fly through fiber-optic networks.


Slow speeds, dragging and sluggish data movement is a thing of the past when connecting dark fiber optic cable internet. It is the network solution that transfers data in milliseconds. Why are you still relying on slow internet connectivity?


How Does Fiber Optic Connectivity Work?


Fiber optics rely on light to carry data. The data can move at the speed of light which is the fastest way nowadays, and probably will keep being that way. Fiber optic cables can carry light over very long distances without distorting the signal. Traditional wiring contains copper which can cause high attenuation.


Attenuation means the further the signal has to travel along that copper wire like the ones used in cable and DSL connectivity, the weaker the signal becomes. Fiber optic cables do not contain copper wire so that attenuation is not an issue.


With DSL and cable the further you are located from the ISP fiber optic cable of the node, the lower quality signal you will receive. This, of course, means you can expect slower load times, slower data transfers and plenty of distortion.


Fiber optics solves the problem nicely. There is no distortion, no attenuation issues no matter how far from the provider you are and you enjoy 1,000 Mbps or more speeds.


To Put It In Perspective


To help you reconcile what the difference is here are some examples of what a fiber-optic network can do and what a traditional cable or DSL connection can do:
With fiber optic internet you can download at the following speeds:

  • 2 hour movie in 12 seconds VS 8 minutes with DSL or Cable
  • 9-hour audiobook in.09 seconds VS 36 seconds with DSL or Cable
  • 1000 page report in .003 seconds VS 2 minutes with DSL or Cable

The speed is tremendous for both downloads and uploads and more importantly, the service is more reliable. You can expect less downtime and more productive time. You can expect to get tasks done faster.

Fiber Optic Network Services:

This is the Opportunity You Have Been Waiting For

Fiber optic network services in Latin America is the opportunity you have been waiting for to improve how you do business and get more out of your fiber optic connectivity. Learn more about fiber optic connectivity and the company that provides it!


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