COVID-19 – Embracing the new challenges

Four months have passed, and more and more companies are allowing their employees to work from home. COVID-19 brought the whole world to a complete halt, changing the way we live and do things.

This pandemic also brought a new reality of approaching business: home office. As we all know this concept is not new. Companies all over the world had already implanted this way of working a couple of years ago, allowing their employees to stop commuting every single day and instead, saving time and allowing them a break from the street chaos.

But this time, it was different. Not every company was ready to support the bandwidth demand of all their employees accessing the company’s systems from home or having them deal with a slow or minimal bandwidth connection to the internet. There was a gap that had to be solved, and pronto.

As always, problems always come with an opportunity for growth. Major bandwidth increases have been seen in the last couple of months. Employees must be able to have a good connection to keep productivity from home, and a good telecommunications operator must be capable of solving these kinds of challenges for enterprises as soon as possible.

UFINET has been there for these operators, helping them make all the adjustments that the new normality has been demanding. We have connected companies from all over Latin America to their employees at home, keeping impeccable connectivity with the company’s online systems.

Embrace change and keep your company up for the standards of the new normality. Covid-19 has come to turn our world upside down, and it seems that things will keep changing for the years to come. Be prepared.

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