Fiber Optic Cables in Computer Networking

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Fiber optic services are the future of connectivity. Fiber optic cables have offered significant technology advancements in internet services for consumers. Those seeking a faster and more reliable connection are making the switch to fiber optics.


What is a Fiber Optic Cable?

When most people hear of fiber optic cables being used for their internet services, they may not know what their telecommunications company is referring to. A fiber optic cable is one that has glass fibers which are inside an insulated casing. The purpose of a fiber optic network is to reach longer distances and provide a higher performance than that of wired cables. Wired cables do not have the capability to have a large bandwidth and cannot transmit data over long distances. Fiber optic cables can support larger bandwidths and provide connectivity for much of the world’s internet and television.


How Do Fiber Optic Cables Work?

Strands of glass are inside of fiber optic cables, which are very thin. The center of these strands is where the light travels. One optical fiber has enough strength to carry three million voice calls. Fiber optic cables also have a unique feature to help them prevent loss of signal and to operate efficiently. This is known as cladding and is a layer of glass that helps to reflect light back in on itself. There are two main types of fiber optic cables functioning in a fiber optic network. These are known as single mode and multi-mode. Single-mode is known for thin glass strands, along with the use of a laser. Multi-mode is known for the use of LEDs.


What are the Advantages of Fiber Optic Cables?

While you could invest in long distance copper cabling, fiber optic cables have several advantages. A fiber optic network has a significant advantage over copper cabling due to being able to support a larger bandwidth. So, they support a higher capacity. With copper cabling, you may experience signal loss or need a signal booster. Fiber optic cables allow light to travel much further, limiting the need for boosters.

If you are looking for a boost in connectivity and more bandwidth, connecting to a fiber optic network is the solution. Fiber optic cables offer solutions that copper cabling can not compete with. Choose fiber optic cables to ensure you are operating at top speeds and maximizing connectivity.


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