How to Harness the Power of the Cloud to Benefit Your Business

Direct Cloud Connectivity Provider Solutions

There’s no doubt that our world is becoming increasingly dependent on technology. And since technology evolves quickly, we need to evolve right along with it. Since, for example, a single optic fiber can carry over 3 million full-duplex voice calls or 90,000 TV channels, it doesn’t make sense for individuals or businesses to rely on outdated alternatives. And now, with the prevalence of the cloud, it’s understandable that many of us are making changes to the way in which we store and share data. In today’s post, we’ll take a closer look at why you might want to consider utilizing the cloud for your direct connectivity needs and how cloud capacity services can improve your ability to reach your business goals.

What Is the Cloud, Anyway?

First, let’s discuss the cloud as a concept. It’s a term you may have heard before without really understanding what’s involved.

The cloud actually refers to a group of servers that are used to host and access data. While businesses may have once been required to have their own on-site servers for this purpose, the cloud provides a way for businesses to utilize external data centers that can host servers and run software applications in a non-local way. This can free up resources for the given business while increasing data access capabilities.

Still confused? Think of it this way: it’s like keeping all your personal smartphone information hosted elsewhere instead of on a SIM card. Before, you might have lost all your contacts, photos, text messages, and app-based information if your phone broke or was stolen. Now, virtually all that information is stored in a cloud that’s hosted by another company (whether through Apple or through an app like Facebook). While the capability to store information on a singular device still exists, you can free up space and prioritize security through data loss prevention by opting for cloud storage.

The term “cloud computing” essentially refers to the way in which computing services (like storage, databases, servers, software, analytics, and more) are delivered via the cloud. While organizations were once required to handle all of these details themselves, cloud computing has opened up a world of possibilities for how we store and access information — often to the benefit of businesses.

What Advantages Does the Cloud Provide?

Now that you have a basic understanding of what the cloud is, we can highlight the benefits of cloud computing and direct cloud connectivity for businesses. These benefits can include:

Cost Savings — By using cloud infrastructure, businesses can eliminate the need to spend more on equipment. You can avoid expenditures related to data center facilities and hardware, as well as maintenance services and full-time staff. What’s more, direct connectivity through the cloud can reduce downtime and delays, which can result in reducing financial losses.

Security — Undoubtedly, utilizing the cloud provides improved security features. With data breaches and hacks becoming more prevalent, even among small businesses, it’s important to bolster your protective measures online. The cloud can offer better security options (including encryption and access control), as well as guarantees that can protect organizations from legal liability. Plus, options like direct connectivity through the cloud offer an extra barrier that can keep sensitive information protected in a way that can’t be achieved through conventional data storage. Finally, disaster recovery is generally easier to achieve through the cloud, allowing you to mitigate losses and get back up and running more quickly.

Control and Scalability — At a time when many firms are relying on remote workers, you need to have control over how your data is stored and accessed. With more transparency into how your data is shared, you can make more informed decisions pertaining to your data and ensure collaboration is at its optimal levels. If and when it comes time for your business to grow, using the cloud for direct connectivity and other services can ensure it’s easy to scale. The cloud provides superior options for mobile use (a major plus during the pandemic), as well as more flexibility whenever you need it.

The power of the cloud is clear. But if you aren’t yet using it for your business, now’s the time to switch. Contact us today to learn more.

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