How to Tell When it’s Time to Upgrade Your Commercial Fiber Network Services

Many people are familiar with the term “fiber optics,” but not many know what it is or how it works. Fiber optic cables transmit a signal down a strand of hair-thin glass or plastic filament by using light to carry data. The principles behind fiber optics have been around since 1965. Today, high-speed internet connections rely on these same principles.

Fiber optics technology and networks have been advancing rapidly in recent years, and most businesses now rely on this technology. As a business owner, you may wonder when to upgrade your commercial fiber network services. Here are some tips on when to do it.

1. Your Organization Needs More Bandwidth Than You Currently Have

Organizations that are heavily reliant on the internet often require more bandwidth than they currently have access to. A boost in available bandwidth can lead to improved productivity and enhanced connectivity among employees. If you are experiencing simple but frequent internet disruptions, it might be time to upgrade your network.

2. You Are Planning to Grow Your Business

If you are planning to expand your business or take on new customers, it may be time for an upgrade. Expanding your network can help you accommodate all of the new users. Remember, you can avoid downtimes and disruptions by upgrading before your network becomes overloaded.

3. You have Issues With Latency and Processing Speed

If you’re surfing the web and find that it takes a long time to load each page, this may be because your commercial fiber network isn’t currently up to the task. Latency issues are also likely if you notice frequent slow responses when using data-intensive applications. If either of these things happens, it’s probably time to get better fiber network services.

4. You Have Recently Purchased or are Planning To Purchase New HW or SW

If you purchase new equipment or software packages for your business, such as a new server or cloud service, it might be time to upgrade. An outdated network may not be able to handle the increased demands of new equipment or cloud services.

5. You’re Experiencing Delays in Service

If your business experiences frequent delays when trying to access cloud storage or email servers, this could be a sign that your network needs an upgrade. Remember, these types of disruptions can easily frustrate employees and customers, leading to a loss in both productivity and revenue.

Modern Fiber Network Services for High-Speed Internet Access

The Fiber-Optic Cable Manufacturing sector has expanded by 11.8% over the previous five years. America’s growing need for broadband access and the increasing availability of large amounts of data have been some of the major factors that have influenced this growth. Today, fiber-optic networks are the primary option for providing high-speed internet access. But as businesses continue to rely on these technologies to process large amounts of data, they must upgrade their commercial fiber network services to avoid disruptions and delays.

Is it time for an upgrade? Contact us today!

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