Latin America, Towering Company Owners, and 5G: 4 Things to Know

5G is among some of the latest technologies in the world right now. According to the Cisco Annual Internet Report, 5G devices and connections will comprise over a tenth of all mobile devices and connections by the year 2023. Latin America is no exception to this trend. There are a lot of interesting 5G-related developments currently taking place in the region. Read on to find out more about the current state of 5G in Latin America.

5G and Security Concerns in Latin America

It is thought that the introduction of 5G might possibly make the security situation wickeder in Latin America. There has always been speculation that a backdoor exists in Chinese technologies, and if this is true, it makes Latin America even more vulnerable to network intrusion in its various forms. Most of the equipment that was being used for 3G and 4G was obtained from Chinese companies. This includes a lot of equipment bought by towering company owners.

With the introduction of the faster 5G network, the number of devices on networks will be multiplied significantly. This includes mobile phones, computers, home appliances, and vehicles. As it keeps developing, 5G will also likely become a crucial component of each country’s critical national infrastructure. This undoubtedly increases the risks associated with system vulnerabilities.

Use Cases of 5G in Latin America


The number one factor that is fueling 5G growth in Latin America and everywhere in the world is consumer impatience. People now desire to get the same exact content they have been getting but at a faster pace.

Industrial, Mining, and Energy

Another application of 5G in Latin America is to digitally transform the industrial sector. This offers great hope for economic growth. 5G is expected to allow sites to have highly functional characteristics and be protected from interference with other users, consumers, or industry.

15 Million Connections Expected by 2022

The Mobile Economy Latin America forecasts that there will be at least 15 million 5G connections by 2022. The service has already been launched in Brazil, Uruguay, and Chile. This represents a near 10% adoption rate. At that rate, it means 5G will constitute about 33% of all connections in Latin America by 2025. This also means a lot of work for towering company owners.

Digital Inclusion and Setting the Stage for 5G in Latin America

Approximately 93% of the population in Latin America is covered by mobile broadband networks. There are, however, several policy recommendations that have been made by several parties for the advancement of 5G in Latin America. These include the removal of legacy regulations and movement towards more simplified policies.

There is a lot that is happening in relation to the advancement of 5G in Latin America. There are several towering company owners who are already taking advantage of the unique opportunities that 5G brings along.

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