The Importance of Excellence in a Telecommunications Provider

telecommunications companyThe right telecommunications company can serve as the foundation of the entire communications portfolio of a business. Smart companies do the research to make sure they get this important choice right. The management of a fiber optic network requires more than just a fiber optic operator. Fiber optic services should be managed in such a way as to be the key cornerstone for all related IP transit services. To make this happen, the decision around which telecommunications company to select needs to be considered carefully. Here are some things to keep in mind while making this choice.

The Reliability and Security of the Network

Security and reliability cannot be overemphasized when selecting the right telecommunications company. If denial of service attacks are allowed to happen repeatedly, for instance, your business can be significantly affected. You should have access to a fully converged network that incorporates a variety of technologies, including Ethernet and optical tech. However, once a network is converged, unique security concerns arise. When choosing the right provider, you should ensure that the security protocols cover all facets of the infrastructure. This may involve a security program that has been custom designed for the network solution. A typical, cookie-cutter set of security protocols may be insufficient. So you will want to inquire about both the parameters of the security program and the thinking behind their integration.

The reliability of the network is another prime concern. Coverage needs to be adequate in order to ensure the smooth operation of your business. If something happens to the network, you could lose either valuable digital resources or time. You need a network that is solid and reliable so the occurrence of downtime is a mere afterthought, as opposed to a daily or weekly concern. However, there is no such thing as a completely bullet-proof system. Hence, you need to know what is done when a problem occurs. How are issues handled? How long does it typically take to get things back on track? What are the backup protocols? You should also know about what is done when specific weather events impact the physical infrastructure of the system. What is in place to protect the system from extremely hot conditions? Is the cooling system water-dependent, and, if so, to what degree? If there is a drought, is a crash imminent? How are extreme weather events such as tornadoes and hurricanes handled? All of these questions are reasonable and a telecommunications company should feel comfortable answering them.

Is It Scalable?

Scalability is easily ignored as a facet of a good telecommunications company. While an experienced telecommunications company likely understands the importance of scalability, this knowledge should not be presumed. A thoughtful business plan is likely in place for your company. In it, there should be projections and goals related to the future growth of the company. Your telecommunications solution needs to be as scalable as your business model. Otherwise, it could get overtaxed by the resources demanded by your company. Talk about where your company sees itself going and how telecom will play a role. Then present your findings to the prospective telecommunications company you’re considering.

A Strong Reputation for Excellence

Nothing beats a good reputation. An optical fiber transportation network requires delicate, thoughtful management and innovative thinking. They are responsible for an impressive workload. The fastest speed recorded on one fiber line is 43 terabits per second. That’s quick. Management of these systems demands forethought, vision, and a commitment to excellence. A company with these attributes will likely be recognized for such. For example, the Frost and Sullivan Award was recently presented to UFINET. It was recognized as one of the 10 fastest growing telecom solution providers to watch. In an industry filled with upwardly mobile companies, a standout such as UFINET is one to watch out for. The competition is fierce, so the ability to rise above the pack should be respected—and considered—as you choose the best company to work with.

Regardless of which providers you decide to approach, ask the right questions regarding reliability, scalability and their reputation. This way, you will make a sound decision that will support the success of both your telecommunications and company as a whole.

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