UFINET attended #ITW2021!

ITW came back in a presential format (and we all know nothing beats face-to-face meetings) and in a new venue in National Harbor.

This year, the experience was very inspiring. The fact of having the possibility to attend in person, as well as having the option of interacting with people in a virtual way was a very pleasant novelty.

We finally met face-to-face with many colleagues, friends, and clients from the telecommunications and ITC industry. And one of the most important things was that everybody was very responsible, always using the mask, protecting themselves by using sanitizing hand gel, and always keeping the proper social distance.

Every year we learn something new, and this event showed us that we can, both as human beings and as professionals, keep going forward, despite the obstacles that life brings us every day.

Thanks to everyone who approached us, and of course, cheers to our team for always giving their very best, no matter what.

Until next time!

The event took place during 29 August – 1 September, at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center. National Harbor, MD. For more information, please visit ITW2021

#ITW2021 #KeepingTheWorldConnected

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