UFINET recognized by Frost & Sullivan as the Company of the Year 2020

UFINET is awarded as Company of the Year in Fiber Optic Wholesale Network Services of LATIN AMERICA by Frost & Sullivan

“Latin America continues to exhibit strong demand for connectivity, even more so in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. UFINET, with its network infrastructure and wholesale-exclusive approach, is decidedly aligned to capitalize on this trend.”  – Ignacio Perrone, Research Director, Information & Communication Technologies, Frost & Sullivan.

Frost & Sullivan’s global teams of analysts and consultants research a wide range of markets in multiple industries and regions, and identify companies that are true industry leaders, delivering best practices in growth, innovation, and leadership. These companies have a keen eye on the future and drive innovation that meets upcoming needs before they become commonly visible, often being first to market with new solutions. They focus on delivering the best products at optimal prices to maximize customer value and experience. Identifying these companies involves extensive primary and secondary research across the entire value chain of specific products and/or markets. Against the backdrop of this research, Frost & Sullivan is pleased to recognize UFINET as the Company of the Year in the fiber optic wholesale network services space. Frost & Sullivan – Award Write-Up

Delivering excellence worthy of the Company of the Year recognition is never an easy task, and it is made even more difficult considering today’s competitive intensity, customer volatility, and economic uncertainty—not to mention the difficulty of innovating in an environment of escalating challenges to intellectual property. In this context, the receipt of this award signifies an even greater accomplishment.

Moreover, Frost & Sullivan recognizes that this accomplishment is the result of many employees, customers, and investors making daily choices to support the organization and contribute in a meaningful way to its future.


Frost & Sullivan Best Practices Recognition

The mission of Frost & Sullivan’s Best Practices Awards is to recognize people and organizations that have accomplished an innovative or disruptive breakthrough. Many of the awardees have toiled for months and years to make a difference in their companies and industries. These awards give these industry leaders a chance to take a step back to reflect and celebrate with those who made it possible.

If there is anything that the world needs today – from the business world, to the diplomatic world, and especially the physical world – it is innovation. While Frost & Sullivan awardees consist of a huge range of technologies, services, and products, the common theme of innovation continues to emerge.

Frost & Sullivan’s industry analyst team benchmarks market participants and measures their performance through independent, primary interviews, and secondary industry research in order to evaluate and identify best practices. Frost & Sullivan’s intent is to help drive innovation, excellence and a positive change in the global economy by recognizing best-in-class products, companies, and individuals.

For more information about Frost & Sullivan visit https://ww2.frost.com/ 

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