What Will the Future of the Internet Look Like with Fiber to the Home Providers?

It’s always difficult to predict the future — especially when things are changing so rapidly. Over the last year, the pandemic has required us to be more virtually connected and innovative than ever. In fact, data shows that our current health crisis has resulted in major technological advancements that we might not have otherwise expected to have seen for another few years.

On the one hand, that’s great news for the tech-obsessed. But it also means that FTTH/fiber to the home providers, business owners, and individuals may have to scramble to keep up. We may not know exactly what the future might hold for the internet we use on a near-constant basis. Nevertheless, here are just a few predictions of what we might expect to see.

Demand for Fiber to the Home Providers likely to Increase as Remote Work Continues to Impact Businesses and Individual Needs

One of the most profound developments of 2020 involved our transition to remote work. When businesses were forced to close due to COVID-19, workers had to adjust to performing their jobs from home. As such, the need for reliable and secure internet became all the more pronounced. The same applies to consistent access to shared data.

But even as the memories of the pandemic start to fade, it’s likely that remote work will prevail. Many companies are continuing to offer remote work options for employees, both for the sake of safety and to provide a better work-life balance. As a result, the demand for cloud connectivity and fiber to the home providers will likely increase in the coming months and years. Connectivity to the cloud can provide secure and reliable access to the internet, while cloud storage can ensure data can be shared (or protected) more readily when staff members are scattered. Fast internet connections are essential, which means fiber to the home providers may find themselves busy as workers make their home offices more permanent. And while mono-mode fibers are used for most communication links longer than 3,300 feet, fiber optic internet providers may become more accustomed to providing connections for home use, rather than outfitting large office buildings.

Increased Mobile Device Use Will Push the Need for Towering Services

Smartphone usage has skyrocketed over the past year, with social media and data usage reaching new heights during the most serious points of the pandemic. While we’re starting to rejoin the “real world,” our new normal will most certainly involve an even more pronounced reliance on mobile devices.

Our phones may have provided a sense of connection while we remained isolated, but most people won’t give that up even as we return to work and social environments. As such, tower network services will become even more important. These services bring more robust connections to areas in need. This particularly applies to rural parts of the country, so it makes sense that the demand for towering is on the rise. And as more people eschew laptops and desktops in favor of smartphones and tablets, towering services will support our 5G networks that will provide the speed and consistency customers want.

IoT and Automation Will Keep Us Connected and Efficient

When you look forward to the future of the internet, you can’t exactly ignore the allure of the IoT (Internet of Things) and automation. Although it might seem like a sci-fi novel, we’re putting smart devices and automation to good use in both our professional and personal lives. With more home devices being designed to connect to the internet, we’ll need the reliability offered by fiber to the home providers to ensure those connections aren’t disrupted. And while automation may strike fear into the hearts of many, it could support our quest to become leaders in efficiency and innovation — and it could change the way we use the internet on a regular basis.

These predictions showcase the importance of fiber to the home providers, towering services, and cloud connectivity. To learn more about the internet services we provide and how they can support your needs in the near future, please contact us today!

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