5 Things to Consider Before Selecting an FTTH Provider

The telecommunications industry is growing at an unprecedented rate, with new technologies and interfaces springing up daily. In fact, the fiber optic cable manufacturing industry grew by 11.8% over the last half-decade. Telecommunication operators and integrators all over the world are pushing ambitious plans to establish a backbone network for their data services. To accomplish their plans, they may have to partner with a reliable FTTH provider.

What is FTTH?

Fiber to the Home (FTTH) is a type of broadband deployed by installing optical fiber from a central point directly to individual buildings such as homes, offices, apartments, and factories. Your customers can enjoy increased internet speeds compared to current technologies in place. Here are five questions to help you determine the right FTTH provider to partner with for your deployment.

1. What’s the Existing Fiber Infrastructure in the Market?

A huge chunk of the network deployment budget goes into hardware purchases such as cables, and other network components. You may also have to part with installation fees from the FTTH provider. You can minimize your labor, material, and installation costs by leveraging on existing fiber infrastructure around you. You may need to ensure that your hardware can integrate seamlessly with the already laid fiber network. Otherwise, you may spend more time troubleshooting and fixing faulty connections.

2. What’s The Size of your FTTH Network Project?

You may need an FTTH provider that can handle a project of your scale and size. Determine the fiber network that the FTTH infrastructure operator already has in place. If you plan on working on multiple developments at once, ensure that the provider can handle your project size. Establishing multiple builds across different projects may help you leverage economies of scale, reducing your total implementation costs.

3. Are There Existing Regulations Regarding FTTH?

Every jurisdiction, from local, state, and federal governments, has regulations that could impact your project. Have a thorough understanding of the permits, easements, and documents required before you break ground. You may also need to understand the fiber optic cable standards and codes acceptable in the specific region. Working with a local FTTH provider can help you navigate the approval process quicker, fast-tracking your network deployment.

4. Can the Network Easily Integrate with a Broader Network?

As FTTH connectivity grows, competition in individual markets may increase. You may need to switch your FTTH provider or buy out your competitors. You may need to ensure that the FTTH infrastructure that you put in place can easily integrate with other fiber architecture, allowing you to grow and expand your business.

5. Do You Have a Skilled Labor Force to Deploy your FTTH Infrastructure?

You will need a qualified team to lay the cables from the FTTH provider’s nodes to your customers. You may have to invest in high-quality training and education for your technicians to carry out the installations. Alternatively, you may opt to outsource the services to a fiber developer that specializes in installing your particular type of infrastructure.

A Reliable FTTH Provider

FTTH network development is an excellent way to guaranteeing optimal speeds for your broadband customers. You may need to identify the right FTTH provider to partner with. UFINET is a neutral fiber optic operator with over 75,000 km of laid fiber in 17 countries across Latin and North America. We also provide layer 3 connectivity and direct cloud connectivity. Call us today for more information and contact us.

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