NEDETEL and UFINET consolidate their position in Ecuador

Guayaquil, Ecuador
October 19, 2021

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UFINET, the largest fiber-optic infrastructure wholesale operator in Latin America, has just signed a corporate agreement to incorporate NEDETEL’s operations into UFINET’s business in Ecuador, thus strengthening the wholesale offer in the country. NEDETEL, an operator with more than 15 years of experience in the telecommunications sector, has an extensive first-level fiber-optic network with coverage in all the provinces of mainland Ecuador and a presence in more than 150 cities with state-of-the-art transport and access networks.

This agreement is a very important milestone for the Ecuadorian market since it will allow the future needs of the country to be covered with an offer of services of the highest quality and reliability. Likewise, operators will have access to exceptional metropolitan coverage and network capillarity in many rural areas to provide their services to end customers in Ecuador,” commented UFINET’s CEO, Iñigo García del Cerro.

The resulting operation will offer services through a network of 12,000+ km of fiber optic network and multiple international departures, both subaquatic and terrestrial.  Additionally, five Data Centers will be offered in the cities of Quito, Santo Domingo, Manta, Cuenca, and Guayaquil where a new Tier III Gold Data Center has just been placed in operation, which will be highly attractive to complete the portfolio of connectivity services in the country.

We are very happy with this alliance. The growth that NEDETEL has had in recent years has been extraordinary, and the agreement reached with UFINET will further boost our positioning, improving the company’s offering in Ecuador. Partnering with this large multinational will allow us to further strengthen our services and have a solid platform to connect the country with the rest of the world,” added Juan Carlos Menéndez, president of NEDETEL.

The complementarity nature of NEDETEL and UFINET, as well as the quality, attention, and commitment to their clients have been key factors in carrying out this operation, which we have been reviewing for months. This strategic venture allows us to advance our positioning in the Andean region and significantly increases the supply of wholesale services in the country,” added Pablo Pérez-Bedmar Delgado, Director of Business Development at UFINET.

The Chilean firm Paragon Private Advisors participated in the operation advising NEDETEL.


NEDETEL is a telecommunications wholesale operator and has more than 9,000 km of metropolitan and long-distance fiber in Ecuador with a great capillarity, both in urban and rural areas. It has more than 150 POPs throughout the country, as well as data centers in the cities of Quito, Guayaquil, Santo Domingo, Manta, and Cuenca. NEDETEL provides high-quality services through DWDM networks, to transport lambdas of 10, 100, and 200 Gbps, and next-generation MPLS with multiple redundant routes, which allows us to provide high-quality services and comply with the highest SLA standards.


UFINET is the neutral wholesale operator of telecommunications infrastructure of reference in Latin America, with more than 80,000 km of optical fiber deployed in Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, and Chile. It has relevant metropolitan network coverage in the most important cities of Latin America: more than 2,000 towns connected, more than 45,000 on-net and more than 95,000 near-net buildings, more than 5,000 towers connected, more than 1,000 towers/leased poles for mobile operators’ radio bases, and over 200,000 homes passed with FTTH neutral (and ongoing projects from 2+ million homes passed), all over an end-to-end fiber optic network.

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